Are Diet Drinks Making it Impossible for me to lose weight?

As someone who really struggles with a healthy water intake but refuses to waste calories on non-alcoholic drinks, I have recently heard that diet drinks can make you fat…. Is this true? I have spent the last half of my life indulging in one diet drink after another… Diet coke and Diet iced tea are typically my weapons of choice. I drink diet drinks all day long in a sorry attempt to detour myself away from the snack cabinet…. but if diet drinks are in fact making me fatter, am I really doing myself any good? I will admit, I haven’t done much research on the subject to find out if the diet drink dissers are accurate in their assumptions, but regardless, it certainly couldn’t hurt me to replace one or more of my daily diet drinks with a nice cold glass of water. I credit some of my poor water in take to pure laziness as I prefer my water icy cold and with no ice maker in the house it often seems like just too much effort to pop the ice from the tray and then refill the tray so there is ice for next time, so this week I’ve made a resolution. I bought a two gallon jug from WalMart and as of Monday have been filling it with water each morning to store in the fridge so there is always cold water on hand throughout the day. No excuses.

Specific Goal #… (I forget what Goal # I’m even on anymore…): Replace lunchtime and dinnertime diet drink with water…. and more water in between too.

Comment Below if you know the truth about diet drinks….

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